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선문대학교 SUN MOON University수산생명의학과





권준영 교수

  • 학위 : 이학박사
  • 최종대학 : (영)스털링대
  • 전공 : 해양생명공학(수산생물 임상의학)
  • 연락처 : 041-530-2284
  • 이메일 : jykwon@sunmoon.ac.kr


  • 주요 경력사항
    • Exeter 대학교(영국) 생물학부 박사후연구원 (2000~2001)
    • 선문대학교 수산생명의학과 교수 (2002~2024 현재)
    • 한국발생생물학회 부회장 (2015~2016)
    • 한국해양생명과학회 회장 (2019~2020)
    • 한국어병학회 회장 (2021~2022)
    • 동물발생학 공동번역(월드사이언스, 2015)
    • 생명과학실험서 공동집필(라이프사이언스, 2020)
    • 해양생물학 공동번역(라이프사이언스, 2020)
  • 주요연구
    • Yoon, J.H., Ha, J.I., Kim, D.W., Park, B.R., Min, J.H., Mun, S.H., Kwon, J.Y. 2023. Effects of Progesterone (P4), 17β-estradiol (E2), Melatonin and Serotonin (5-HT) on the mRNA Expression of Reproduction-related Genes in the Pituitary Cells of Eels (Anguilla japonica). Journal of Marine Life Science 8, 32-42.
    • Kim, D.W., Yoon, J.H., Ha, J.I., Min, J.H., Park, B.R., Kwon, J.Y. 2023. Effects of Korean Goldenbell (Forsythia koreana) Leaf on the Growth, Body Color and Hepatopancreatic Structure of Giant Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Journal of Marine Life Science 8, 166-177.
    • Mun, S.H., Oh, H.J., Kwon, J.Y., 2022. Response of pituitary cells and tissues to neurokinin B and F in the Nile tilapia. Development & Reproduction 26, 13-21.
    • Mun, S.H., Kwon, J.Y., 2022. Identification of proteins responsible for high activity of cysteine proteinase inhibitor in the blood of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. Fishes 7, 161.
    • You, J.H., Mun, S.H., Oh, H.J., Park, T.S., Kwon, J.Y., 2020. Improvement of water quality by corona discharge plasma-activated water in a tilapia recirculating aquaculture system. Journal of Marine Life Science 5, 51-57.
    • You, J.H., Lee, J.H., Mun, S.H., Kwon, S.R., Park, T.S., Kwon, J.Y., 2020. Disinfection effect of corona discharged plasma water on fish pathogens. Journal of Fish Pathology 33, 63-69.
    • Park, J.W., Kim, J.H., Kwon, J.Y., 2020. Effects of kiss2 on the expression of gonadotropin genes in the pituitary of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Development & Reproduction 24, 149-158.
    • Kim, J.H., Song, J.Y., Lee, J-H., Hur, J.W., Kwon, S.R., Kwon, J.Y., 2019. Investigaion of reportable communicable diseases and parasites in aquatic organisms living in the estuary of the Han river. KJEE 52, 306-315.
    • Mun, S.H., You, J.H., Oh, H.J., Lee, C.H., Baek, H.J., Lee, Y-D., Kwon, J.Y., 2019. Expression patterns of growth related genes in juvenile red spotted grouper (Epinephelus akaara) with different growth performance after size grading. Development & Reproduction 23, 35-42.
    • Kim, J.H., Kwon, J.Y., Song, J.Y., Oh, Y.K., Kim, K.S., Hur, J.W., 2019. Ichthyofauna and community structure of fish in Chuncheon and Andong reservoirs. Journal of Marine Life Science 4, 70-80.
    • You, J.H., Mun, S.H., Oh, H.J., Baek, H.J., Lee, Y-D., Lee, C.H., Kwon, J.Y., 2019. Expression of morphogenic protein genes in juvenile red spotted grouper (Epinephelus akaara) with deformity. Journal of Marine Life Science 4, 38-43.
    • Mun, S.H., Hur, J.W., Cha, S.J., Hwang, S.D., Son, M-H., Kwon, J.Y., Kwon, S.R., 2018. Monitoring pathogen infection of freshwater cyprinid fish and crustacean in Soyang lake in 2016. Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 51, 47-53.
    • Oh, H.J., Kim, J-H., Mun, S.H., Kim, J.H., Kim, D-J., Kwon, J.Y., 2018. Expression of yolk processing enzyme genes in fertilized eggs from artificially matured female eel, Anguilla japonica. Development & Reproduction 22, 289-295.
    • Kim, S.Y., Hur, J.W., Cha, S.J., Park, M.A., Choi, H-S., Kwon, J.Y., Kwon, S.R., 2018. Community analysis and pathogen monitoringin wild cyprinid fish and crustaseans in the Geum river estuary. Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 51, 248-253.
    • Jeon, S.W., Hur, J.W., Song, J.Y., Jee, B.Y., Lee, J.H., Kwon, J.Y., Kwon, S.R., 2018. Infestation status of Clonorchis sinensis metacercariae in cyprinid fish from four artificial lakes in South Korea. Journal of Marine Life Science 3, 96-100.
    • Kim, J-H., Park, J.W., Kwon, J.Y., 2018. Effects of exogenous melatonin on the reproductive activities of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Biological Rhythm Research 49, 392-404.
    • Kim, J-H., Park, J.W., Jin, Y.H., Kim, D-J., Kwon, J.Y., 2018. Effect of melatonin on GnIH precursor gene expression in the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Biological Rhythm Research 49, 303-313.
  • 대외활동
    • 수산동물 약사심의위원회 심의위원 (2018~2020)
    • 한국산업기술협회 NCS 개선위원 (2019)
    • 충청남도 어초관리워원회 위원 (2017)
    • 충남 해양바이오 산학연협의회 자문위원 (2020~2024 현재)
    • 한국발생생물학회 법제위원장 (2023~2024)
    • Journal of World Aquaculture Society, Associate Editor (2016~2024 현재)

권세련 교수

  • 학위 : 이학박사
  • 최종대학 : (한)부경대
  • 전공 : 어류 질병학 (수산생물 임상의학)
  • 연락처 : 041-530-2289
  • 이메일 : srkwon@sunmoon.ac.kr


-2007.02~2010.03 일본북해도대학대학원 수산과학연구원 박사후연구원
-2018.03.~2019.01 Guset Reserch Scientist of European Union Reference Laboratory for Fish Diseases, DTU-Vet, Technical University of Denmark

- HJ Kim, JS Park, SR Kwon, YJ Park 2023. Determining transcriptomic response of kidneys of olive flounder to viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus infection using next-generation sequencing. Aquaculture 562: 738886

- JY Park, HJ Kim, HS Choi and SR Kwon. 2022. Antiviral effects of various plant extracts against viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV). J. Fish Pathol., 35(1) : 041~046.

- JH Lee, H YOO, YJ Ahn, HJ Kim, SR Kwon. 2022. Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Effect of Graphene Oxide Fiber on Fish Bacteria for Application in Aquaculture Systems. Materials 15(3), 966.

- JY Kim, HJ Kim, JS Park, SR Kwon 2022. DNA vaccine dual-expressing viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus glycoprotein and C-C motif chemokine ligand 19 induces the expression of immune-related genes in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Journal of Microbiology. 60: 1032-1038.

- ALF Alencar, SR Kwon, TB Rasmussen, E merour, NJ Olesen, A Cuenca. 2021. Modifications of the nucleoprotein of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus showed gain of virulence in intraperitoneally infected rainbow trout. J Fish Dis. 44: 1369-1383.

- HJ Kim, JY Kim, JB Park, JH Lee, JS Park, HJ Kim and SR Kwon. 2021. Immune gene expression and protection effect against VHSV by injection of interferon regulatory factor 10 in zebrafish (Danio rerio). J. Fish Pathol., 34(1) : 023~029.

- SR Kwon. 2020. Monitoring of carp edemavirus disease and herpesviral hematopoietic necrosis in Cyprinus carpio and Carassius auratus imported from China. J. Fish Pathol., 33(1) : 001~006.

- HJ Kim, SR Kwon, K Yuasa. 2020. Establishing the optimal fetal bovine serum concentration to support replication of cyprinid herpesvirus 3 in CCB and KF-1 cell lines. Journal of virological methods. 276: 113733.

- JS Park, HJ Kim, YH Joo and SR Kwon. 2019. Effect of Formalin Inactivation on Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus (VHSV). Korean J Fish Aquat Sci. 52: 644-649.

- HJ Kim, SR Kwon, NJ Olesen, K Yuasa. 2019. The susceptibility of silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus langsdorfii) to infection with koi herpesvirus (KHV). J Fish Dis. 42: 13331340.

-2010.09~현재 한국어병학회 이사 및 편집위원
-2014~현재 수산질병관리사 국가자격시험 시험위원
-2014~현재 식품의약품 안전처 미생물전문가 자문위원
-2016.11~2017.12 한국생물안전안내서 집필 및 편집위원
-2019.04 충청남도 해양정책과 자문위원
-2020.10~현재 선문대학교 수산질병관리원 원장
-2021.01~현재 Ocean and Polar Research 편집위원
-2022.01~현재 충청남도 학술연구용역 심의위원


박영진 교수(학과장)

  • 학위 : 수산학박사
  • 최종대학 : (노)노드대학교
  • 전공 : 수산바이오학 (어류영양)
  • 연락처 : 041-530-2416
  • 이메일 : yjpark88@sunmoon.ac.kr


  • 주요경력사항
    • Nord University(노르웨이) 생명과학 및 양식학부 방문연구원 (2015)
    • 부경대학교 사료영양연구소 연구원 (2015–2017)
    • Wageningen University & Research(네덜란드) 세포생물 및 면역학과 방문연구원 (2018)
    • Nord University(노르웨이) 생명과학 및 양식학부 박사후연구원 (2021-2023)
    • 부산대학교 생명과학과 점막면역학연구실 연구원 (2021)
    • University of Porto(포르투갈) 해양 및 환경연구소 방문연구원 (2022)
    • 선문대학교 수산생명의학과 조교수 (2023~현재)
    • 선문대학교 입학사정관 (2023)
    • 수산양식일반 공동집필(전라남도교육청, 2023-현재)
    • NCS학습모듈 개발 사업_내수면양식 공동집필(한국직업능력연구원, 2024-현재)
  • 주요연구
    • Seong, M. & Park, Y. Short and long-term immune effects of Poly (I:C) in kidney of olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Journal of Fish Pathology, 37(1), 123-132 (2024).
    • Lee, B., Lee, J., Lim, S., Seong, M., Yun, H., Han, S., ... & Park, Y. Effects of low-lipid diets on growth, haematology, histology and immune responses of parr-stage Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Animals, 14(11), 1581 (2024).
    • Abdelhafiz, Y., Gora, A.H., Rehman, S., Chowdhury, S., Park, Y., Bisa, S., Verlhac, V., Fernandes, J.M.O., Sørensen, M. & Kiron, V. Fish as the lesser-known counterpart to mammalian models to explore the biofunctionality of polyphenols. J. Funct. Foods. 107:105654 (2023).
    • Suzuki, H., Détain, A., Park, Y., Kiron, V., Wijffels, R.H., Leborgne-Castel, N., Procházková, L. & Hulatt, C.J. Phylogeny and lipid profiles of snow-algae isolated from Norwegian red-snow microbiomes. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 99(6) (2023).
    • Kim, H., Park, J., Kwon, S. & Park, Y. Determining transcriptomic response of kidneys of olive flounder to viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus infection using next-generation sequencing. Aquaculture. 562:738886 (2023).
    • Park, Y., Zhang, Q., Fernandes, J.M.O., Wiegertjes, G.F. & Kiron, V. Macrophage heterogeneity in the intestinal cells of salmon: Hints from transcriptomic and imaging data. Front. immunol. 12(5344) (2021).
    • Park, Y., Park, M., Hamidoghli, A., Kim, C. & Bai, S.C. Optimum dietary processed sulfur (Immuno-F) level has antibiotic effects on the growth, hematology and disease resistance of juvenile olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 279:115035 (2021).
    • Moniruzzaman, M., Lee, S., Park, Y., Min, T. & Bai, S.C. Evaluation of dietary selenium, vitamin C and E as the multi-antioxidants on the methylmercury intoxicated mice based on mercury bioaccumulation, antioxidant enzyme activity, lipid peroxidation and mitochondrial oxidative stress. Chemosphere. 273:129673 (2021).
    • Sørensen, S.L., Park, Y., Gong, Y., Vasanth, G.K., Dahle, D., Korsnes, K., Phuong, T.H., Kiron, V., Øyen, S., Pittman, K. & Sørensen, M. Nutrient digestibility, growth, mucosal barrier status, and activity of leucocytes from head kidney of Atlantic salmon fed marine- or plant-derived protein and lipid sources. Front. immunol. 11:623726 (2021).
    • Abihssira-García, I.S., Park, Y., Kiron, V. & Olsvik, P.A. Fluorescent microplastic uptake by immune cells of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Front. Environ. Sci. 8:560206 (2020).
    • Kiron, V., Park, Y., Siriyappagouder, P., Dahle, D., Vasanth, G.K., Sørensen, M., Dias, J., Verlhac, V., Fernandes, J.M.O. & Kiron, V. Intestinal transcriptome reveals soy derivatives-linked changes in Atlantic salmon. Front. immunol. 11:596514 (2020).
    • Park, Y., Zhang, Q., Wiegertjes, G.F., Fernandes, J.M.O. & Kiron, V. Adherent intestinal cells from Atlantic salmon show phagocytic ability and express macrophage-specific genes. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 8:580848 (2020).
    • Park, Y., Kim, H., Won, S., Hamidoghli, A., Hasan, M.T., Kong, I.S. & Bai, S.C. Effects of two dietary probiotics (Bacillus subtilis or licheniformis) with two prebiotics (mannan or fructo oligosaccharide) in Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica. Aquac. Nutr. 26(2):316-327 (2020).
    • Park, Y., Abihssira-García, I.S., Thalmann, S., Wiegertjes, G.F., Barreda, D.R., Olsvik, P.A. & Kiron, V. Imaging flow cytometry protocols for examining phagocytosis of microplastics and bioparticles by immune cells of aquatic animals. Front. immunol. 11:203 (2020).
  • 대외활동
    • 유럽어병학회(EAFP) 회원 (2019~현재)
    • 대한민국 국비유학한림원 사무차장 (2023~현재)
    • 한국어병학회 이사 (2023~현재)
    • 한국수산과학회 평의원 (2023~현재)

송준영 교수

  • 학위 : 이학박사
  • 최종대학 : (일)에히메대학
  • 전공 : 환경기능과학(어류질병)
  • 연락처 : 041-530-2222
  • 이메일 : jysong80@sunmoon.ac.kr



  • Center for Marine Environmental Study (CMES, 일본) 연구원 (2007.12.~ 2008.03.)
  • JSPS research fellowship for young scientists (2009.04 ~ 2011.3)
  • 수산생명의학과 박사후연구원 (2011.4. ~ 2011.11.)
  • 해양수산연구사 (2011.12. ~ 2023.8.)
  • 수산생명의학과 조교수 (2023.9. ~ 현재)


Lee, Y., Kim, N., Roh, H., Ho, D. T., Park, J., Lee, J. Y., Kim, Y. J., , Kang, H. Y., Lee, J., Song, J. Y., Kim, A.,... & Kim, D. H. (2023). Serotype distribution and antibiogram of Streptococcus parauberis isolated from fish in South Korea. Microbiology Spectrum, e04400-22.

Song, J. Y., Kitamura, S. I., Oh, M. J., & Nakayama, K. (2022). Heavy oil exposure suppresses antiviral activities in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus infected with viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV). Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 124, 201-207.

Song, J. Y., Kim, K. Y., & Choi, S. W. (2021). Occurrence and molecular identification of Microcotyle sebastis isolated from fish farms of the Korean rockfish, Sebastes schlegelii. The Korean Journal of Parasitology, 59(1), 89.

Jang, M. H., Lee, N. S., Cho, M., & Song, J. Y. (2021). Status and Characteristics of JEECV (Japanese Eel Endothelial Cell-infecting Virus) and AnHV (Anguillid Herpesvirus 1) Infections in Domestic Farmed Eels Anguilla japonica, Anguilla bicolor and Anguilla marmorata. Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 54(5), 668-675.

Song, J. Y., Casanova-Nakayama, A., Möller, A. M., Kitamura, S. I., Nakayama, K., & Segner, H. (2020). Aryl hydrocarbon receptor signaling is functional in immune cells of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). International journal of molecular sciences, 21(17), 6323.

Jang, M. H., Kim, K. Y., Lee, Y. H., Oh, Y. K., Lee, J. H., & Song, J. Y. (2020). Genetic identification and biochemical characteristics of Edwardsiella strains isolated from freshwater fishes cultured in Korea. Journal of fish pathology, 33(2), 111-118.

Han, H. J., Song, J. Y., Cho, M. Y., Choi, H. S., Jung, S. H., & Seo, H. G. (2020). Monitoring of diseases including nematode Clavinema mariae infections in the cultured Korean rockfish Sebastes schlegeli during 2013-2016. Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 53(3), 432-442.

Song, J. Y., Jung, S. H., & Choi, H. S. (2018). Evaluation of a Non-destructive Diagnostic Test for Kudoa septempunctata in Farmed Olive Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 51(1), 23-30.

Narasaki, Y., Obayashi, Y., Ito, S., Murakami, S., Song, J. Y., Nakayama, K., & Kitamura, S. I. (2018). Extracellular proteinases of Miamiensis avidus causing scuticociliatosis are potential virulence factors. Fish Pathology, 53(1), 1-9.

Motokawa, S., Narasaki, Y., Song, J. Y., Yokoyama, Y., Hirose, E., Murakami, S., ... & Kitamura, S. I. (2018). Analysis of genes encoding high-antigenicity polypeptides in three serotypes of Miamiensis avidus. Parasitology international, 67(2), 196-202.

Kitamura, S. I., Akizuki, M., Song, J. Y., & Nakayama, K. (2017). Tributyltin exposure increases mortality of nodavirus infected Japanese medaka Oryzias latipes larvae. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 124(2), 835-838.

Song, J. Y., Kim, M. J., Choi, H. S., & Jung, S. H. (2014). Monitoring Kudoa septempunctata in cultured olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus in different regions of Korea in 2013. Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 47(5), 611-621.

Jung, M. H., Nikapitiya, C., Song, J. Y., Lee, J. H., Lee, J., Oh, M. J., & Jung, S. J. (2014). Gene expression of pro-and anti-apoptotic proteins in rock bream (Oplegnathus fasciatus) infected with megalocytivirus (family Iridoviridae). Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 37(1), 122-130.

Iwakiri, S., Song, J. Y., Nakayama, K., Oh, M. J., Ishida, M., & Kitamura, S. I. (2014). Host responses of Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus with lymphocystis cell formation. Fish & shellfish immunology, 38(2), 406-411.

Jeon, C. H., Wi, S., Song, J. Y., Choi, H. S., & Kim, J. H. (2014). Development of loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for detection of Kudoa septempunctata (Myxozoa: Multivalvulida) in olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Parasitology research, 113, 1759-1767.

Song, J. Y., Choi, J. H., Choi, H. S., Jung, S. H., & Park, M. (2013). Monitoring of Kudoa septempunctata in cultured olive flounder and wild fish in Jeju Island during 2012. Journal of fish pathology, 26(3), 129-137.

Song, J. Y., Nakayama, K., Kokushi, E., Ito, K., Uno, S., Koyama, J., ... & Kitamura, S. I. (2012). Effect of heavy oil exposure on antibacterial activity and expression of immunerelated genes in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 31(4), 828-835.

Song, J. Y., Ohta, S., Nakayama, K., Murakami, Y., & Kitamura, S. I. (2012). A time-course study of immune response in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus exposed to heavy oil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 19, 2300-2304.

Isshiki, T., Morimoto, T., Iwasaki, M., Abe, M., Nagano, T., Hazama, T., Song, J. Y., ... & Kitamura, S. I. (2012). Protective efficacy of a formalin-inactivated vaccine against viral hemorrhagic septicemia in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Fish Pathology, 47(4), 121-128.

Song, J. Y., Nakayama, K., Murakami, Y., & Kitamura, S. I. (2011). Heavy oil exposure induces high moralities in virus carrier Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Marine pollution bulletin, 63(5-12), 362-365.

Kawaguchi, M., Song, J. Y., Irie, K., Murakami, Y., Nakayama, K., & Kitamura, S. I. (2011). Disruption of Sema3A expression causes abnormal neural projection in heavy oil exposed Japanese flounder larvae. Marine pollution bulletin, 63(5-12), 356-361.

Irie, K., Kawaguchi, M., Mizuno, K., Song, J. Y., Nakayama, K., Kitamura, S. I., & Murakami, Y. (2011). Effect of heavy oil on the development of the nervous system of floating and sinking teleost eggs. Marine pollution bulletin, 63(5-12), 297-302.

Kumagai, A., Suto, A., Ito, H., Tanabe, T., Song, J. Y., Kitamura, S. I., ... & Miwa, S. (2011). Soft tunic syndrome in the edible ascidian Halocynthia roretzi is caused by a kinetoplastid protist. Diseases of aquatic organisms, 95(2), 153-161.

Tange, N., Song, J. Y., & Kitamura, S. I. (2010). Detection and identification of Miamiensis avidus causing scuticociliatosis by PCR. Fish Pathology, 45(3), 130-132.

Song, J. Y., Kitamura, S. I., Oh, M. J., Kang, H. S., Lee, J. H., Tanaka, S. J., & Jung, S. J. (2009). Pathogenicity of Miamiensis avidus (syn. Philasterides dicentrarchi), Pseudocohnilembus persalinus, Pseudocohnilembus hargisi and Uronema marinum (Ciliophora, Scuticociliatida). Diseases of aquatic organisms, 83(2), 133-143.

Song, J. Y., Sasaki, K., Okada, T., Sakashita, M., Kawakami, H., Matsuoka, S., ... & Kitamura, S. I. (2009). Antigenic differences of the scuticociliate Miamiensis avidus from Japan. Journal of fish diseases, 32(12), 1027-1034.

Song, J. Y., Nakayama, K., Murakami, Y., Jung, S. J., Oh, M. J., Matsuoka, S., ... & Kitamura, S. I. (2008). Does heavy oil pollution induce bacterial diseases in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus?. Marine pollution bulletin, 57(6-12), 889-894.

Song, J. Y., Kitamura, S. I., Jung, S. J., Miyadai, T., Tanaka, S., Fukuda, Y., ... & Oh, M. J. (2008). Genetic variation and geographic distribution of megalocytiviruses. The Journal of Microbiology, 46, 29-33.

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